Monday, May 21, 2012

Sunny Sunday

I love gorgeous days we can spend outside. Yesterday was one of those. Something about being outside on a sunny day when it is not too hot, not too cold,  makes everyone in my family happy. We didn't even do anything spectacular, but somehow it was perfect.

Perhaps it was the tickle fight with Emery whispering in my ear, I'm gonna get you stinky...stinker.

Perhaps it was listening to her latest song about a caterpillar and everything else in the world around her.

Perhaps it was her talking to us about Jesus playing with her.

It may have been the fun trip to Sam's Club with these two sweet faces for only five items and leaving with a "prize" for each of us.

Bubba's first ride in the shopping cart. Sis was glad to prop him up when he leaned. 

Or maybe it was watching Drew and Emery work on Drew's infamous herb garden an in the yard.

"I can do it daddy. Watch this."

"Look at me, look at me. I can swing on my belly!" (Are we seeing a theme here?)

Perhaps it was watching Emery play peek-a-boo with Cohen to make him laugh on the way to the walking path.

Or maybe it was finishing my first training session with Drew for a 5K with these two cheerleaders. If I can build up enough endurance to push the double stroller and run, I will be able to complete it with no problem with Emery constantly telling me, "Keep running, Momma. You can do it. Go faster. Go faster. Wheee!"

Emery's picture of run. Sweaty. Sticky. Little fingers and I completed it!

Who wouldn't love a day like that?

Over and out --

1 comment:

Jen said...

Sounds like a perfect day to me. :)

PS please take off your word verification...It drives me crazy and I want to leave comments on your lovely blog!