Friday, May 4, 2012

Pink Medicine

Isn't this the best way to start your morning? There's nothing better than walking into a room and instantly being met with smiles and coos. You'd never guess from his leisurely pose that he has BRONCHITIS! Awesome. How many illnesses has this been since Easter.... I think I've lost count.

At least he's all smiles, regardless of how he feels. After spending most of the morning yesterday at the doctor office getting breathing treatments, listening to his lungs, him eating the paper liner off the tables, Emery building block towers, me doing ridiculously hard magnetic puzzles on the wall -- we finally got a plan of medications to fight and ward and prevent his bronchitis from becoming a bigger problem. The solution: more PINK medicine. Emery's favorite kind. Cohen's... not so much.

This is how medicine goes down around our house:
- Emery scours the house for medicine in pink bottles to take....regardless of how she feels. She willingly and happily drinks medicine anytime she needs it (read: allergy medicine and tylenol -- we're not turning her into a walking pharmacy and we do keep medicine out of her sneaky little hands)

- Cohen has to take medicine every day for his acid reflux. If he didn't have to take medicine for the rest of his life, he couldn't be happier. If I get him to swallow half of his dose without spitting it back out at me, we're doing pretty good.

So when I tell Emery when she wakes up that we have to get ready pretty quick to make it to the doctor appointment for Cohen, here is how our conversation went:

"Ok Em, you watch Dora and drink your milk quickly until I get Cohen out of bed because we have to take Bubba to the doctor this morning."

"Bubba has to go to the doctor again?"

"Yep. Again."

"Can I get a princess sticker when he is done at the doctor?"

"We'll have to see."

"Can I drink his pink medicine?"

"Nope. It's for Cohen. You're healthy."

"No, I not healthy. I not exercise yet today. I also don't feel better."

"Oh, really? What's wrong with you?"

"I played a lot, but I don't feel better." (Classic excuse she gives me every day to try to take her pink Pepto Bismol tablets she knows I keep in the diaper bag since she started getting carsick.)

"Oh, man. I hate when that happens."

"Me too. I think I need pink circle medicine. I will share with Bubba."

How sweet. We're learning to share. I'm thinking I may need them to just pencil us in for a doctor appointment every week. Think it's a good thing the doctor office's receptionist and our pharmacy knows me by voice now?

Maybe, I'll go ponder that and take a dose of pink medicine. We definitely have enough to go around.

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