Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Birthday America!

Here are some pictures of our Fourth of July celebrations here in North Carolina and Ohio over the past week that I haven't had time to post on:

Proud to be an American! At the Mayberry Parade in Mt. Airy, she loved the baby goat and porta-potty that went in the well as the candy!

Bubba was so hot, he could care less about anything but eating the flags!

My big girl working on pumping her legs to swing

Cohen (clothesless) 8 months and cousin Liam - 11 months

My little fish decided literally overnight that she liked swimming by herself and was no longer afraid!

This picture is taken from the boat. You can see Emery circled in red. She swam by herself to the big kids and didn't want any assistance.

She really did love playing with Ethan, although one can't tell from this goodbye picture. Both were SUPER grouchy after five days of no schedule and little sleep!

I love how far apart they tried to get and the sobbing face she gave me

Five minutes after pulling out, both her and Cohen passed out. She slept for 3 hours straight and peed herself. It was a much easier trip this time. :)

Hope everyone else had a wonderful time celebrating the Fourth!

Over and out ---

1 comment:

Jen said...

Aww, I love the picture of her on the porch swing with a grumpy face!

I was going to send you a text thinking you were in town over the holiday but then I looked at the calender and it's the 11th. Wow, it's been a fast month! Miss chatting with you!