Emery is sick again. I can't even count the number of colds this poor child has had in her short 9 months. Thankfully she is an uber-happy child, even when sick. Until her ears start hurting, it's hard to tell she's sick because she still sits and sings and plays and giggles. When those ears start hurting though, watch out. She throws her toys, cries and whines, actually snuggles! and pulls her hair out. Thank goodness for antibiotics. I know earaches hurt as an adult. I can't imagine having both ears hurting.
We went in for her nine-month appointment yesterday, which couldn't have come sooner since shes' been sick over a week with coughing. After an extremely long wait, they quickly told me she has bronchitis and a double ear infection. She now has to take a nasty thick antibiotic, and use an inhaler with a mask for the bronchitis. She was really chill and actually liked the mask at the doctor's office when they demonstrated how to do it on her. Getting her home and attempting it is an entirely different story though! She rips it off her face and shakes her head as fast as she can. This could be an interesting time. By the way, she's 19 lbs 6 ounces and 27.5 inches long. She's finally slimming down and dropped from the 90th percentile to a more normal 60-70 percentile. Have no fear though, her precious rolls and cankles are sticking around for the long haul.
Besides her sickness though, it has been a big few weeks for us!
We got a Ford Edge a few weeks ago and traded by blue hot rod Honda Civic. I thought I would be sadder getting rid of my college car, but it really wasn't hard at all upgrading to a sleek, sexier, I might add, mini-suv. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of the space we have now. It is so much easier getting her into her car seat, when I don't have to squeeze behind the passenger side door and wedge myself between the car seat and the door to put her in, all the while banging her head on my roof! Not to mention the large trunk space for Gus to ride in. Now we can all ride in style, and boy is Gus loving it. The car came with rubber floor mats, which we've already decided is a Godsend. I can't think of a better invention for a vehicle with children and dogs at this point. Who knew getting a new vehicle could be so fun?
Emery has also been attempting more finger foods such as strawberries and American cheese. She loves the flavors, but cannot understand to pick the pieces up and put them in her mouth. Put a piece of carpet fuzz in front of her though, and man, she swallows it faster than you can say boo. Gus has been very helpful in cleaning up her mashed American cheese chunks that she throws on the floor.
She also has figured out how to walk all over the place holding your hand. Forget the rolling over and crawling business. I swear she's going to skip straight to walking. We now spend our days exploring the house and hanging out by the glass door watching and singing to Gus.
Drew has started his second clinical in Dover this week. He loves working with the patients, but not the 5 a.m. wake up time! His schooling is flying by. Only one year left until we're off to who knows where. I can't wait for the bigger, better things in life waiting for us.
Hopefully in the upcoming months I'll be writing about how fantastic my workouts are going and how amazing I'm looking. I made a deal with Drew that if we reach our goal weight (yes, we still have to lose the post-pregnancy laziness and sympathy weight) by Emery's birthday, that two things will happen: I will buy Drew his expensive shoes he wants and he will get me my stretch mark ridding cream and a bikini. I swore I'd never get to wear one again after the Emery explosion that occurred on my skin, but we'll see. If Mederma's new stretch mark scar treatment works and I actually lose the weight....we could all be seeing a more svelte me! Wish me luck!
Here's an update on Emery's timeline we've been keeping:
At 8 1/2 months: You've figured out how to wave to people, although haven't put two and two together what it means. You definitely know your name, Mama, Daddy, Gus, Poppy, Mimi, Nana and Grandpa. You instantly look for them when we talk about them. You're starting some finger foods and still have no luck with sippy cups.
At 9 months: You are now OBSESSED with waving. You wave at anything you see, anytime we say hello or bye bye, or when we point to things. You wave at Gus, the sweeper, the news anchors, cars and anyone watching you. You get up on all fours and rock back and forth singing and still immediately drop to your stomach and swim. You love walking around the house holding our hands, but have to drop everything to wave your arms up and down like a conductor when you hear someone singing a song. Your favorite songs right now are the Winnie the Pooh song, Soul Sister by Train and the Bellybutton Song by Veggie Tales...what a collection! You refuse to eat any meal without trying to spit it out by singing and making motor boat noises. Not cool child. And you're still the most precious thing I've ever laid eyes on.
We're enjoying a rainy, gray day by watching the Food Network and playing with toys. Hope all is well your way.
I know this really fun work out instructor...she's usually off on tuesdays and wednesdays....just sayin.
Poor baby! I hope she gets over her bronchitis soon!
Congrats on your new car :) I saw the pictures on facebook and it looks very nice!
Let me know about that stretch mark cream! I, too, am trying to psych myself up to start getting into a workout routine. (sigh)
Can't wait for our girls to meet one day :)
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